Southam Warm Space
A Warm Space is a safe, warm and welcoming place where people can meet regularly. It provides hot drinks and refreshments. A Warm Space helps reduce loneliness and isolation and provides another means to check in with vulnerable people in a community. It is especially helpful for people who are finding it harder to stay warm due to inadequate heating at home or increasing energy costs. It provides people with information about energy efficiency and home safety and helps signpost users to other services that can offer support.
A Warm Space is community-led and runs on a not-for-profit basis by a community group or organisation. Everyone attending - organisers, other volunteers and attendees - is treated with kindness, respect and dignity.
At our Church we have opened the Southam Warm Space. It will be open every Wednesday from 11am-3pm. As well as hot drinks and light refreshments, there are games and activities, newspapers to read, advice and information available,. We have partnered with Warm Welcome to help provide resources and we acknowledge the very generous support of the Warwickshire Rural Community Council in providing a grant for the set up and weekly running costs.
We have also encountered tremendous support in our local community, from recruiting volunteers to generous gifts from local businesses and individuals. We particular want to thank St Wulfstan's Surgery for their kind encouragement and practical help, and being willing to work with us to make this project a success.
Come and pay us a visit - open Wednesday 11am-4pm from November to March.
Hot drinks * Newspapers * A Friendly Chat * Advice & Information * Refreshments *
Free Wi-Fi * Activities * Monthly Movie Afternoon * Book exchange * All Welcome